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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sicilian Kan 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.g3(B43)-Oct 2012

Here is an interesting ending.

Guseinov,G (2608) - Friedrich,N (2302) 
Sicilian Kan 5...Qc7 6.g3[B47]
28th European Club Cup Eilat ISR (4.3), 14.10.2012 [Yip]
Black was outplayed in a thematic even ending RRB-RRN ending.[Yip]

1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 a6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Qc7 6.g3 Nf6 7.Bg2 Nc6 8.0–0 Nxd4 9.Qxd4 Bc5 10.Bf4 d6 11.Qd2 h6 12.Rad1 e5 13.Be3 Be6 14.Bxc5 dxc5 15.Qd6
This endgame play has been checked by Emms in The Sicilian Taimanov Move by Move(Everyman 2012).[Yip]

15...Qxd6 16.Rxd6 Ke7 17.Rb6 Kd7 18.Nd5 Rab8
Deviating from Emms analysis and known theory.[Yip]
[18...Bxd5 19.exd5 Kc7 20.Rb3 Rab8 21.a4 b6 22.Rd1 Kd6! [Emms] 23.Bf1 a5 24.Bb5 Ne8 25.Rbd3 f5 26.f3 Nf6 'Black is fine..'[Emms-The Sicilian Taimanov Move-by Move(Everyman 2012).[Yip] 27.Re1 e4 28.Rdd1 Rb7 ½–½ Zenklusen,R (2378)-Aranovitch,E (2309)/Switzerland 2008/CBM 123 Extra]

19.Re1 Bxd5
This thematic trade leaves the characteristic good N vs. bad B ending that should be equal.[Yip]

20.exd5 Kc7 21.Rb3 Kd6 Diagram

The king is also an effective blockader.[Yip]

22.a4 b6
Is slightly passive.[Yip]
[22...c4!?N Is another viable option.[Yip] 23.Rb6+ Kc5 24.a5 Nd7 Is the preferable continuation with mutual chances.[Yip] (24...e4 Results in a balanced ending but black is without realistic winning chances in the main line..[Yip] 25.d6 (25.Bxe4? Taking the pawn fails.[Yip] 25...Rhe8 26.Rxf6 (26.f3? Nxd5–+ Now Rb6 is short of squares.[Yip]) 26...gxf6 27.g4 b6 28.axb6 Rxb6µ Black remains up a clear exchange.[Yip]) 25...Nd5 26.b4+ Kd4 27.Rd1+ Ke5 28.f4+ exf3 29.Rxd5+ Kxd5 30.Bxf3+ Ke5 31.Bxb7 Rbd8 32.Bxa6 Rxd6 33.Rxd6 Kxd6 34.Bxc4 Rb8 35.b5 Kc5 36.a6 Re8 37.Bf1 Kb6= Black should be able to hold this R(3Ps)-B(5Ps) ending but there are no realistic winning chances as the king is always tied to the passed a,b,c pawns. [Yip]) 25.b4+ cxb3 26.Rxb3 Kd6 27.Reb1 Rhc8 28.Rxb7 Rxb7 29.Rxb7 Rxc2 30.Ra7 Rc1+ 31.Bf1 e4 32.Rxa6+ Kxd5 33.Ra8 Ra1 34.Kg2 Ne5 35.a6 Ra2 36.Be2 Kc6 37.Re8 Kd6 38.Kf1 f5= Chances are even and plenty of play remains in the position.[Yip]]

23.Bf1 e4?
Now white is better.[Yip]
[23...c4 Is a better way to give up a pawn.[Yip] 24.Bxc4 Rhc8 25.Bxa6 Rxc2 Now the active rook gives enough counterplay.[Yip] 26.Bf1 Nd7 27.Bd3 Rc5 28.Bb5 Nf6 29.Rbe3 e4 30.R3e2 Rbc8 And black has nice compensation for the pawn.[Yip]]

24.Bxa6 Kxd5 Diagram

Consistently opening lines to exploit the lead in development.[Yip]

Now white is clearly better.[Yip]
[25...Rhe8 26.Bb5 Re7 27.Rd1+ Ke5 28.Re3 h5 29.fxe4 Rbb7 (29...h4 30.Rf3 g6± The only way to deal with Rf5+.[Yip] (30...Nxe4? Leaves Ke5 exposed.[Yip] 31.Bc4 f5 32.Rd5+ Kf6 33.Rdxf5+ Kg6 34.R5f4+- [Yip]) 31.Rf4 hxg3 32.hxg3 Rbb7± [Yip]) 30.Rf1 g6 31.b3 Rbc7 White remains up a pawn with pressure, while black can claim the centralized king gives some compensation.[Yip]]

26.fxe4+ Ke5
[26...Nxe4? Wins a pawn but loses the exchange.[Yip] 27.Bb7+ Rxb7 28.Rd3+ Kc6 29.Rxd8+- [Yip]]

[27.Rf3± Is better with a clear edge.[Yip]]

27...Ne8 28.Bc4 Nd6 29.Bd5 f5 30.Rbe3 Rf8 31.Bc6 f4 32.Rd3 fxg3 33.hxg3 Rbd8 34.a5!
Breaking down the queenside pawns.[Yip]

34...bxa5 35.Rd5+ Ke6 36.Rxc5 Rc8 37.Bd5+ Ke7 38.Rxa5 Rxc2 39.Ra7+ Kd8 40.e5 Nb5 41.Rxg7 Nd4 42.e6 Ne2+ 43.Kh1

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