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Friday, November 30, 2012

Panama Open II Rd6 Standings

GM Hansen,E(CAN) leads with 6-0 score. IM Hambleton(CAN) has 4.5/6.

Tournament Site pics and game viewer

GM Hansen,E(l)-GM Marin,M(r)

1IMHansen EricCAN25396
2IMHevia Alejano Carlos AntonioCUB25085
3GMQuesada Perez YunieskyCUB26044.5
4GMMarin MihailROU25474.5
5GMAlmeida Quintana OmarCUB25194.5
6IMPrasca Sosa RafaelVEN24154.5
7FMHambleton AmanCAN24044.5
8FMDelgado Ramos HectorCUB24784.5
9FMObregon Rivero Juan CarlosCUB24804.5
10GMBacallao Alonso YusnelCUB25804.5
11IMGomez Garrido Camilo ErnestoCUB25104.5
12IMBassan RemoVEN22724.5
13FMVera Siguenas DeivyPER23964
14IMAlarcon Casellas RolandoCUB24844
15GMCordova EmilioPER25684
16Fernandez FernandoPER23114
17Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel DarioCUB22344
18IMRuiz C Joshua DCOL23324
19IMKjartansonn GudmundurISL23944
20WIMLlaudy Pupo LisandraCUB22584
21Ramos Efren AndresNCA21664
22GMBorges Matos JuanCUB24533.5
23FMFernandez Cardoso AlexeyCUB24473.5
24GMHernandez Carmenate HoldenCUB25623.5
25IMBaules JorgePAN23033.5
26FMGomez Segura AdalbertoCUB23253.5
27FMRuiz Sanchez OrlenCUB24083.5
28WGMOrdaz Valdes Lisandra TeresaCUB23503.5
29WGMArribas Robaina MaritzaCUB22733.5
30FMPacheco MarcoPER23773.5
31FMArosemena Jorge LuisPAN20703.5
32FMSanchez JorgePAN21523.5
33GMArencibia Rodriguez WalterCUB25263
34WGML'ami AlinaROU23813
35WGMVigoa Apecheche YaniraCUB23523
36IMEstrada Nieto JulianMEX22953
37CMSosa NestorPAN21983
38CMMathews BryanPAN20563
39Fuentes AdrianPAN19383
40Pena Morales HugoPER21133
41FMEsquivel LuisPAN21043
42CMMathews CesarPAN19813
43WIMFleites Marti YuleikysCUB21533
44Gomez SamaelCOL19843
45WIMFandino Reyes RoquelinaCUB20953
46IMMadrigal MarianoNCA21523
47Alvarez Walter DaniloPAN20293
48Padilla AlvaroPAN19793
49WFMCastillo Coca MairebysCUB21362.5
50WIMMiranda Llanes YerisbelCUB23192.5
51CMAizpurua PatrickPAN21182.5
52IMArias Lemmys AESA23462.5
53Fabrega EnriquePAN21722.5
54Quintero GabrielPAN02.5
55WFMMadrigal Ana DanielaNCA20112.5
56Bonilla FelixPAN20992.5
57Battihk Jose MiguelPAN19452.5
58Sun Chin Robert PatrickPAN02.5
59Valdes BernardoPAN02.5
60Espinoza EfrainPAN02.5
61Tapia AlexeiPAN18492.5
62Flores RubenPAN17912
63Quiroga WalterVEN02
64Quiroz MichaelPAN19382
65Riera JosePAN02
66Lombardo EliasPAN02
67Carrasco BrandonPAN16752
68Virzi John CharlesPAN02
69Sanjur CrescencioPAN02
70Munoz NelsonPAN01.5
71Samaniego MilciadesPAN01.5
72McNally BernardoPAN01.5
73Chaluja Jose AntonioPAN01.5
74Munoz M Alberto NoelPAN19061.5
75Cantilo-Paz Anibal JesusPAN01
76Carrasco LeonardoPAN01
77Rosas RamiroPAN00.5
78Corrales MarioPAN00.5
79CMVargas RogelioPAN17120
80Castillo ElizabethPAN00

Panama Open II Rd5 Results-Properly Aligned!

Panama Open II Rd5 Results-Properly Aligned!

I found a tool to align excel tables for Blogger.
Tableizer Tool

There's some other tools here Cometdocs- How-to-convert-excel-spreadsheets-into-html-tables

1IMHansen EricCAN25395
2GMMarin MihailROU25474.5
3IMHevia Alejano Carlos AntonioCUB25084
4FMVera Siguenas DeivyPER23964
5GMAlmeida Quintana OmarCUB25194
6IMPrasca Sosa RafaelVEN24154
7FMHambleton AmanCAN24044
8IMGomez Garrido Camilo ErnestoCUB25104
9GMQuesada Perez YunieskyCUB26043.5
10IMAlarcon Casellas RolandoCUB24843.5
11GMCordova EmilioPER25683.5
12FMDelgado Ramos HectorCUB24783.5
13GMBorges Matos JuanCUB24533.5
14Fernandez FernandoPER23113.5
15FMObregon Rivero Juan CarlosCUB24803.5
16FMFernandez Cardoso AlexeyCUB24473.5
17GMBacallao Alonso YusnelCUB25803.5
18Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel DarioCUB22343.5
19IMBaules JorgePAN23033.5
20IMBassan RemoVEN22723.5
21FMRuiz Sanchez OrlenCUB24083.5
22GMArencibia Rodriguez WalterCUB25263
23WGML'ami AlinaROU23813
24IMRuiz C Joshua DCOL23323
25WGMVigoa Apecheche YaniraCUB23523
26IMKjartansonn GudmundurISL23943
27FMGomez Segura AdalbertoCUB23253
28IMEstrada Nieto JulianMEX22953
29WIMLlaudy Pupo LisandraCUB22583
30Ramos Efren AndresNCA21663
31FMEsquivel LuisPAN21043
32FMSanchez JorgePAN21523
33GMHernandez Carmenate HoldenCUB25622.5
34WGMOrdaz Valdes Lisandra TeresaCUB23502.5
35WFMCastillo Coca MairebysCUB21362.5
36WGMArribas Robaina MaritzaCUB22732.5
CMSosa NestorPAN21982.5
38CMMathews BryanPAN20562.5
39FMPacheco MarcoPER23772.5
40Fuentes AdrianPAN19382.5
41FMArosemena Jorge LuisPAN20702.5
42CMAizpurua PatrickPAN21182.5
43Fabrega EnriquePAN21722.5
44CMMathews CesarPAN19812.5
45Gomez SamaelCOL19842.5
46WIMFleites Marti YuleikysCUB21532.5
47WFMMadrigal Ana DanielaNCA20112.5
48Bonilla FelixPAN20992.5
49IMMadrigal MarianoNCA21522.5
50Flores RubenPAN17912
51WIMMiranda Llanes YerisbelCUB23192
52Pena Morales HugoPER21132
53IMArias Lemmys AESA23462
54WIMFandino Reyes RoquelinaCUB20952
55Alvarez Walter DaniloPAN20292
56Battihk Jose MiguelPAN19452
57Quiroga WalterVEN02
58Quiroz MichaelPAN19382
59Padilla AlvaroPAN19792
60Riera JosePAN02
61Carrasco BrandonPAN16752
62Quintero GabrielPAN01.5
63Sun Chin Robert PatrickPAN01.5
64Valdes BernardoPAN01.5
65Espinoza EfrainPAN01.5
66Munoz NelsonPAN01.5
67Tapia AlexeiPAN18491.5
68Samaniego MilciadesPAN01.5
69McNally BernardoPAN01.5
70Chaluja Jose AntonioPAN01.5
71Cantilo-Paz Anibal JesusPAN01
72Lombardo EliasPAN01
73Virzi John CharlesPAN01
74Carrasco LeonardoPAN01
75Sanjur CrescencioPAN01
76Rosas RamiroPAN00.5
77Munoz M Alberto NoelPAN19060.5
78Corrales MarioPAN00.5
79CMVargas RogelioPAN17120
Castillo ElizabethPAN00

Hungarian TCh 2012-13 GM Ruck,R Ending

Here is a game featuring strong endgame technique from a harmless Caro-Kann queenless game.

Hungarian Grandmaster (2001).
Hungarian Champion in 2002.
World vice champion U18 in 1994.
Best results:
  • Zagreb 1997, 1st;
  • European U16 1992 and U18 1994, 2nd-4th;
  • Oberwart Open 2000, 2nd
  • Hotel Irotkko GM 2000, 1st;
  • Kladovo 2001, 1st;
  • Hungarian Championship 2003, 2nd-3rd;
  • Bad Wörishofen 2004, 3rd;
  • Los Angeles Metropolitan Open 2011, 2nd-7th.
A participant in the 2004 and 2006 Olympiads.'

GM Ruck,R

Kovacevic,A (2549) - Ruck,R (2567)
Caro-Kann 6.Nh3[B18]
TCh-HUN 2012–13 Mako HUN (4), 18.11.
The game went to queenless play quite early and then black managed to get BN for R with a small combination.

Critical Position
Black must continue the technical phase with purposeful play. White is saddled with an isolated e-pawn but for the moment Ke2 keeps it secure. What should black do?

Black to Play

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Panama Open II Standings 2012-11 Rd5-GM Hansen,E 5-0

Nov 30th-2012
GM Hansen,E(CAN) is in clear first with 5-0. IM Hambleton is in a group with 4/5. WGM L'ami Alina(ROU) is also at 3.

There's a fresh video I found today too(scroll down the bottom of post). I'll do up some games as soon as they become available.

WGM L'ami Alina having lunch in Hong Kong
Photo-Her website Alina L'ami

Rank after Round 5
Rk. Name                                          FED Rtg  Pts.
Leading group
1 IM Hansen Eric                                CAN 2539 5
2 GM Marin Mihail                              ROU 2547 4.5
3 IM Hevia Alejano Carlos Antonio     CUB 2508 4
4 FM Vera Siguenas Deivy                   PER 2396 4
5 GM Almeida Quintana Omar            CUB 2519 4
6 IM Prasca Sosa Rafael                    VEN 2415 4
7 FM Hambleton Aman                     CAN 2404 4
8 IM Gomez Garrido Camilo Ernesto CUB 2510 4

9 GM Quesada Perez Yuniesky          CUB 2604 3.5
10 IM Alarcon Casellas Rolando     CUB 2484 3.5
11 GM Cordova Emilio                   PER 2568 3.5
12 FM Delgado Ramos Hector          CUB 2478 3.5
13 GM Borges Matos Juan                 CUB 2453 3.5
14 Fernandez Fernando                    PER 2311 3.5
15 FM Obregon Rivero Juan Carlos CUB 2480 3.5
16 FM Fernandez Cardoso Alexey   CUB 2447 3.5
17 GM Bacallao Alonso Yusnel          CUB 2580 3.5
18 Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel Dario CUB 2234 3.5
19 IM Baules Jorge                            PAN 2303 3.5
20 IM Bassan Remo                            VEN 2272 3.5
21 FM Ruiz Sanchez Orlen                   CUB 2408 3.5

22 GM Arencibia Rodriguez Walter CUB 2526 3
23 WGM L'ami Alina                   ROU 2381 3
24 IM Ruiz C Joshua D                   COL 2332 3
25 WGM Vigoa Apecheche Yanira CUB 2352 3
26 IM Kjartansonn Gudmundur          ISL 2394 3

IM Kjartansonn Gudmundur

27 FM Gomez Segura Adalberto          CUB 2325 3
28 IM Estrada Nieto Julian                   MEX 2295 3
29 WIM Llaudy Pupo Lisandra           CUB 2258 3
30 Ramos Efren Andres                        NCA 2166 3
31 FM Esquivel Luis                            PAN 2104 3
32 FM Sanchez Jorge                           PAN 2152 3

33 GM Hernandez Carmenate Holden CUB 2562 2.5
34 WGM Ordaz Valdes Lisandra Teresa CUB 2350 2.5
35 WFM Castillo Coca Mairebys          CUB 2136 2.5
36 WGM Arribas Robaina Maritza          CUB 2273 2.5
37CM Sosa Nestor                            PAN 2198 2.5
38 CM Mathews Bryan                          PAN 2056 2.5
39 FM Pacheco Marco                          PER 2377 2.5
40 Fuentes Adrian                                   PAN 1938 2.5
41 FM Arosemena Jorge Luis                 PAN 2070 2.5
42 CM Aizpurua Patrick                          PAN 2118 2.5
43 Fabrega Enrique                              PAN 2172 2.5
44 CM Mathews Cesar                         PAN 1981 2.5
45 Gomez Samael                                  COL 1984 2.5
46 WIM Fleites Marti Yuleikys                CUB 2153 2.5
47 WFM Madrigal Ana Daniela          NCA 2011 2.5
48 Bonilla Felix                                     PAN 2099 2.5
49 IM Madrigal Mariano                     NCA 2152 2.5

50 Flores Ruben                                     PAN 1791 2
51 WIM Miranda Llanes Yerisbel          CUB 2319 2
52 Pena Morales Hugo                            PER 2113 2
53 IM Arias Lemmys A                            ESA 2346 2
54 WIM Fandino Reyes Roquelina          CUB 2095 2
55 Alvarez Walter Danilo                          PAN 2029 2
56 Battihk Jose Miguel                            PAN 1945 2
57 Quiroga Walter                                   VEN 0 2
58 Quiroz Michael                                   PAN 1938 2
59 Padilla Alvaro                                     PAN 1979 2
60 Riera Jose                                           PAN 0 2
61 Carrasco Brandon                            PAN 1675 2

62 Quintero Gabriel                            PAN 0 1.5
63 Sun Chin Robert Patrick                   PAN 0 1.5
64 Valdes Bernardo                            PAN 0 1.5
65 Espinoza Efrain                            PAN 0 1.5
66 Munoz Nelson                            PAN 0 1.5
67 Tapia Alexei                                  PAN 1849 1.5
68 Samaniego Milciades                   PAN 0 1.5
69 McNally Bernardo                          PAN 0 1.5
70 Chaluja Jose Antonio                       PAN 0 1.5

71 Cantilo-Paz Anibal Jesus              PAN 0 1
72 Lombardo Elias                            PAN 0 1
73 Virzi John Charles                     PAN 0 1
74 Carrasco Leonardo                   PAN 0 1
75 Sanjur Crescencio                        PAN 0 1
76 Rosas Ramiro                            PAN 0 0.5
77 Munoz M Alberto Noel                PAN 1906 0.5
78 Corrales Mario                            PAN 0 0.5
79 CM Vargas Rogelio                     PAN 1712 0
80 Castillo Elizabeth                            PAN 0 0

Rank after Round 4
Rk. Name                                        FED Rtg    Pts.
1 IM Hansen Eric                               CAN 2539 4
2 GM Quesada Perez Yuniesky           CUB 2604 3.5
3 GM Cordova Emilio                        PER 2568 3.5
4 FM Vera Siguenas Deivy                 PER 2396 3.5
5 GM Marin Mihail                               ROU 2547 3.5
6 IM Hevia Alejano Carlos Antonio    CUB 2508 3
7 IM Alarcon Casellas Rolando           CUB 2484 3
8 IM Prasca Sosa Rafael                     VEN 2415 3
9 GM Almeida Quintana Omar           CUB 2519 3
10 GM Arencibia Rodriguez Walter CUB 2526 3
11 FM Delgado Ramos Hector           CUB 2478 3
12 Fernandez Fernando                     PER 2311 3
13 FM Hambleton Aman                     CAN 2404 3
14 GM Bacallao Alonso Yusnel           CUB 2580 3
15 WGM L'ami Alina                       ROU 2381 3   Alinalami
16 IM Ruiz C Joshua D                     COL 2332 3
17 Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel Dario CUB 2234 3
18 IM Gomez Garrido Camilo Ernesto CUB 2510 3
19 WGM Vigoa Apecheche Yanira CUB 2352 3
20 IM Kjartansonn Gudmundur           ISL 2394 3

21 FM Obregon Rivero Juan Carlos CUB 2480 2.5
22 GM Borges Matos Juan              CUB 2453 2.5
23 FM Fernandez Cardoso Alexey CUB 2447 2.5
24 GM Hernandez Carmenate Holden CUB 2562 2.5
25 IM Bassan Remo                             VEN 2272 2.5
26 IM Baules Jorge                               PAN 2303 2.5
27 CM Sosa Nestor                              PAN 2198 2.5
28 WFM Castillo Coca Mairebys           CUB 2136 2.5
29 CM Mathews Bryan                     PAN 2056 2.5
30 FM Ruiz Sanchez Orlen                    CUB 2408 2.5
31 FM Arosemena Jorge Luis           PAN 2070 2.5
32 CM Aizpurua Patrick                   PAN 2118 2.5

33 Flores Ruben                               PAN 1791 2
34 WGM Ordaz Valdes L Teresa CUB 2350 2
35 IM Estrada Nieto Julian                     MEX 2295 2
36 WIM Miranda Llanes Yerisbel CUB 2319 2
37 FM Gomez Segura Adalberto CUB 2325 2
38 WGM Arribas Robaina Maritza CUB 2273 2
39 WIM Llaudy Pupo Lisandra    CUB 2258 2

WIM Llaudy Pupo Lisandra

40 IM Arias Lemmys A                   ESA 2346 2
41 Pena Morales Hugo                   PER 2113 2
42 FM Esquivel Luis                       PAN 2104 2
43 CM Mathews Cesar                   PAN 1981 2
44 Ramos Efren Andres                   NCA 2166 2
45 WIM Fandino Reyes Roquelina CUB 2095 2
46 WIM Fleites Marti Yuleikys CUB 2153 2

Yuleikys Fleites Marti

47 FM Sanchez Jorge                   PAN 2152 2
48 Quiroga Walter                        VEN 0 2
49 FM Pacheco Marco                 PER 2377 1.5

50 Fuentes Adrian                         PAN 1938 1.5
51 Quintero Gabriel                         PAN 0 1.5
52 Fabrega Enrique                         PAN 2172 1.5
53 Gomez Samael                         COL 1984 1.5
54 WFM Madrigal Ana Daniela NCA 2011 1.5

IMG_6227 WFM Madrigal Ana Daniela 1922 NICARAGUA

Madrigal Ana Daniela

Video from Youtube

e2e4 Brighton Open 2012-11 Results

Brighton Open e2e4 Brighton Nov 2012 Open

GMs Wells and Arkell shared first with 4.5/5 in the increasingly popular e2e4 weekend tournament series. FM Lyell got 3/5.

Rank Name                   Score Fed. Rating
1 GM Wells, Peter K      4.5     ENG 2488
2 GM Arkell, Keith C     4.5     ENG 2462
3 Jones, Steven A           4         ENG 1987
4 FM Sowray, Peter J     3.5     ENG 2362
5 FM Ledger, Dave J      3.5     ENG 2268
6 Player, Edmund C         3.5     ENG 2215
7 Seymour, Timothy P     3.5     ENG 2057

8 Kirk, Ezra                     3 ENG 2258
9 FM Lyell, Mark             3 ENG 2194
10 Murphy, Hugh W         3 ENG 2152
11 Myall, Ivan J                3 ENG 2092
12 De Coverly, Roger D 3 ENG 2038
13 Prior, Stephen C V     3 ENG 1993
14 Boardman, Jeffrey      3 NZL 1990

15 Lim, Zhuo Ren 2.5 MAS 2183
16 Tozer, Philip A A 2.5 ENG 2179
17 Maullin, Robert E 2.5 ENG 2138
18 Skulte, Christopher 2.5 AUS 1969
19 McCarthy, Damian 2.5 ENG 1879
20 Anderson, John 2 ENG 2179
21 Coates, David H 2 ENG 2085
22 WIM Maroroa, Sue 2 ENG 2055
23 Harnett, Robert J 2 ENG 2018
24 WFM Norinkeviciute, Rasa 2 LTU 2010
25 Craft, Isaac 2 ENG 2005
26 Briggs, John Nicholas 2 ENG 1979
27 Kirk, Jason 2 FRA 1954
28 Payne, Matthew J 2 ENG 1952
29 Oyama, Akito 2 ENG 1866
30 Gupta, Arul 2 ENG 1730
31 Kouis, Marios 1.5 GRE 1851
32 Wood, Peter R 1 ENG 1947
33 Waters, Andrew 1 ENG 1918 *
34 Charpidou, Anna 1 GRE 1754
35 Lee, Shane 0.5 IRL 1842
36 Stone, Mark R 0 ENG 1615

Here is a key game between one of the winners GM Wells and Budapest resident FM Mark Lyell.

Wells,Peter K (2488) - Lyell,Mark (2194)
Queen's Gambit Accepted(D26)
e2e4 Brighton Open Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, Eng (4), 11.11.2012
White played for queenside pressure with the IQP and black sacrificed an exchange rather than endure a passive defence.

Critical Position
White has big pressure going on the queenside but what's next?

White to Play

The Zukertort System-An Anti-Sambuev Defence

Here is an important game from Hungarian Team Ch 2012-13. The opening is the Zukertort System, one of the pet lines of Canadian Champion GM Bator Sambuev.

GM Bator Sambuev at the 2009 PWC Toronto Open Chess Championship

The Opening Sequence
The following white formation should look quite familiar to anyone to has had black against Sambuev.
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 Nc6 6.0–0 Bd6 7.Bb2 0–0 8.Nbd2 b6 9.Ne5 Bb7

White has the simple plan of f4 and then the kinside attack begins with Qf3-h3 for example. So how should black defend? The Balogh game shows a nice defensive method and the key ideas.

Kosic,D (2517) - Balogh,C (2668) [D05]
TCh-HUN 2012–13 Nagykanizsa HUN (1), 16.09.2012

Critical Position 1
Black has initiated a nice defensive method against the Zukertort with ..Ne7 intending ...Ng6. What should black play now though?

Black to Play

Critical Position 2
Black has played 13..Nxc5 challenging the key Bd3 attacking piece. But there is a catch-White has 14.Bxh7+. What do you make of the sacrifice? Is it sound or just a big bluff? The evaluation here is critical to black's defensive method.

White to Play

Critical Position 3
White is really going after the king. Evaluate 20.g4. Does it work or not?

White to Play

Botez(CAN) in UNAM Rapid MEX 2012

The Gara,T(HUN)-Botez,A(CAN) rapid mini-match was tied 2-2. Here is another game from the rapid preliminary.

WGM Gara,Ticia

Gara,T (2377) - Botez,Alexandra (2015)
French Tarrasch[C06]
UNAM w Prelim C Mexico City MEX (2.4), 17.11.2012
Black played an early ...c4 but lost control of the dark squares on the kingside. White won a pawn and had an almost crushing position but let the advantage slip away.

Critical Position
White has an extra pawn and an obvious advantage but the b2 pawn is under attack. How should white react?

White to Play

Critical Position
White is still up a pawn but black has some counterplay on the b-file. How should black continue?

Black to Play

Hungarian TCH 2012-13

Here is a strong game from GM Berkes against veteran GM Farago,Ivan from the Hungarian TCh. The game features the strong technical endgame play of Berkes an his slow positional building style.

GM Farago,Ivan at the Arco World Senior Ch
Photo Chessbase

Berkes,F (2685) - Farago,I (2486)
King's Indian Attack vs Slav Triangle with ...Bg4[A07]
TCh-HUN 2012–13 Dunaharaszti HUN (4), 18.11.2012
This is an unspectacular game which on the surface contains nothing really remarkable. The game can be broken down into the following stages.

–12.Nxg6 fg creates a structural imbalance and gains the bishop pair for long-term chances

After 12...fg

-A general advance on the queenside
-The ending with 30..Qxb2? gave white all the chances
-Gaining the a-file,  the 7th rank and maintaining a rook on a7(32.Rba2)

After 32.Rba2

-33.Rxa8 eventually won a pawn and began the technical P+ phase conversion phase

The key endgame plan
-The play only on the kingside stage is of key importance. The key to breaking black's position is to play 74.e5! to cut off the dark bishop from the g7 pawn and then play on the light square to infiltrate the kingside.

White to Play
Black has just played 73..Bb2 77.Nxh4 is the straw that breaks black's position. From here on white has the simple plan of pushing pawns and infiltrating on the light squares on which black is effectively fighting a piece down as the bishop lives in the wrong color universe

After 77.Nxh4