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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lila Futo Open Nov 1-3 2012 Entry List

This is a typical 6-round Open Game/90mins tournament. Usually there are more players in the 2000+ range playing.

Nov 1 is a Hungarian public holiday-Hungarian Public Holidays-Wikipedia
All Saints DayMindenszentekIt is a day to remember the lost ones. On this day people generally visit all their lost relatives' graves which they decorate with flowers.

Entry List as of  Oct 31-1012
Ssz. Név                                FIDE ID   Szül.idő      ÉLŐ
1 Fodré Sándor                     702684      1953.      2183
2 dr. Hetényi Géza                  703842      1950.      2180
3 Mester Attila                       725587       1974.      2125*
4 Bartuszek András                  759198      1955.     1924
5 Terbe Julianna                       708780      1997      1923
6 Nguyen Thán Do                  714038      1960.      1893
7 Nyirkos Péter                       753165      1958.      1864
8 Gruz János                            703710      1952.      1851
9 Palczert Miklós Dr.                727938      1975.    1841
10 Di Giovanni Vilmos               722235     1948.      1828
11 Kárpáti Gábor                     743682      1963.     1826
12 Szentgyörgyi Sándor             738000     1983.      1802

13 Szendeff Miklós                753068      1952      . 1795
14 Polyánszky-Tamási Zoltán 769169      1975.       1793
15 Czimer József                    723770      1940.       1792
16 Szurkos András                769185       1941        1787
17 Terbe Zsuzsanna                708801      1997        1776
18 Kárpáti Kende Vajk           740195     1998.       1765
19 Szlenka Attila                      770299      1955.       1745
20 Szoukup István Sr.           730920      1948.       1739
21 Truong Duc Huong           714062      1965.       1733
22 Máté Levente                     751359       1996.       1725
23 dr. Urbán Péter                714879       1979.       1716

24 Fekete Ágnes                     755494       1998.       1689
25 Pap Károly                         745979       1940.       1629
26 Tóth Antal                          713180       1939.       1601
27 Horváth Zoltán                     713139       1938.       1551
28 Czumbel Péter                     759708       2002.       1490
29 Sándor László                     759430       1948.       1476
30 Kidd Bálint                          766402       2003.       1452
31 Markó Csanád                     764248       2000.       1443
32 Czipp János                          739294       1947.       1435
33 Palczert Botond                     769908       2003.       1257
34 Lendvai Olivér                     768758       2005.       1201
35 Miklós Tamás                         749710       1991.       0
36 Pál István                               765090       2004.       0
37 Szoukup István                       772283       2004.       0

*Mester Attila just won Josef Varosi 6-0

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