White played a tremendous attacking game using 1.Nf3 f5 2.d3!? against the Dutch. This poisonous line had already been recommended by Kindermann in his 2005 book on the Leningrad System.
Swiercz,Dariusz (2627) - Hoang,Thanh Trang (2469)
Dutch Defence[A80]
Tradewise Gibraltar Masters Gibraltar (3.12), 24.01.2013
Position 1
White has a lead in development and the natural plan is to attack. How should white proceed?
White to Play
Position 1
White has a lead in development and the natural plan is to attack. How should white proceed?
White to Play
The interesting game Roussel Roozmon - Nakamura, Montreal 2008 with my commentary http://www.chessib.com/rounak8.html